2024 Year-End Campaign Update

January 30, 2025


To our dedicated supporters:

We have so much to celebrate as we reflect on the past year of ministry. I can’t thank you enough for your faithful partnership – in prayer and generosity! You played a vital role in transforming young people in Siouxland with the Gospel and love of Christ in 2024.

This letter provides an update on our year-end goal of the $428,700 needed to fully fund our ministry through June 2025. As of January 20th, we have received $304,588. These funds will resource the development of 446 authentic, Christ-sharing relationships in 2025! I thank God for your generosity and hope you are as encouraged by this report as I am.

Your support enables our ministry staff and teams across Siouxland communities to share the Good News with young people through neighborhood, campus, and juvenile institutional programs. God has blessed us, through your generosity, with the privilege to continue to foster Christ-centered relationships in our existing seven communities and beyond. As outlined in our annual ministry impact report, YFC continues to grow thanks to your partnership and prayers, which provide us with hope and courage.

You, by supporting our ministry, have helped us reach nearly 10% of the lost 11-19 year-old students in Siouxland. We have also reached a first milestone: relationships have been developed with 5% of the lost teens in Siouxland and we have led many to proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Savior!

Thank you for your faithful friendship and continued partnership with YFC. If you feel led, we are still taking gifts and pledges towards our remaining need of $124,100. If the Lord presses upon you to support this mission, we invite you to click the button below and join us in reaching more young people with the Gospel and love of Christ in 2025!

In Christ’s service,

Karl Van Cura, Executive Director

Partner With Us

Help us reach more lost teens in Siouxland with the gift of hope in Jesus!