By Karl Van Cura, Executive Director
In John 5, Jesus approached a lame man by the pool. He had been an invalid for years and believed if he rolled in the pool at the right time, he’d be healed. When Jesus saw him lying there, he knew he had been in this condition for decades. Then Jesus asked him, “Do you want to get well?” At YFC, our hearts are burdened because so many young people are lame (if you will) in the pit of despair, isolation, trauma, anxiety, or depression. They are literally lying in front of us on their mats.
Just like the lame man, young people we serve at our ministry sites come with their superstitions that just hanging out with friends and Christians will make them well. But like the lame man, when asked if he wanted to get well, many young people share, “I have no one to help me.”
Coming alongside today’s youth in their pivotal moments, sharing the Gospel, advocating and mentoring, and offering discipleship or life skills in the Bible is what YFC does best. As you will read in this newsletter edition, it only takes ONE consistent relationship with a lost kid to make an eternal difference. ONE loving adult sharing the Gospel about Jesus, the one who heals and makes them well. We cannot let them miss Jesus!
Are you the ONE? Well, yes you are! We need more ONES praying for lost youth to come to know Jesus. We need more ONES walking alongside young people in juvenile detention, our neighborhoods, or schools. We need more ONES sending workers into the field. So whether you can pray, volunteer or give, make a decision today to be the ONE. Please look for the links embedded in this newsletter that take you directly to forms for more information about taking your next step to be the ONE.