September 4, 2024


By Abraham Curiel, Le Mars Campus Life Lead

Featured in The Message – Summer 2024 Edition!

YFC’s Campus Life ministry focuses on bringing the gospel to where students are. This can happen in our weekly Clubs throughout the school year, going to sporting events, attending choir or band concerts, and even in public while leaders are running an errand.

Over the years, I have met many students. One student I had the chance to build a relationship with will be referred to as Michael. Michael and I first met in the school when I was visiting the students during their lunch period a couple of years ago. Michael eventually started attending our City Life Center from an invite he received at Campus Life. Once he started coming to our City Life Center, I started to get to know him and his story even more. Michael comes from a split family and had some dark interests. Throughout the next few months, I continued to ask him questions, play games with him, and he let me get to know him on a deeper level. He soon expressed interest in attending our 2022 Middle School Camp. While he was at camp, Michael had an encounter with God and surrendered his life to Christ! Ever since camp, I have had the opportunity to mentor him and help him and help him learn what it means to live life as a disciple of the Lord. Just like the rest of us, he hasn’t been perfect. However, he has a good heart and desires to know God in an intimate way. He has experienced a few challenges since giving his life to Christ, such as changing his friend group and creating the discipline of daily time with God.

At a recent camp, Michael even expressed that he has an interest in becoming a youth pastor someday! This is an awesome goal and truly expresses the change that happens when we surrender our lives to God. Michael has been a regular attendant at YFC events and programs ever since his commitment to God. While he has fallen a few times, he always gets up again with up again with a stronger desire to live a life that glorifies the Lord. I believe he will do great things for God and for His kingdom. Please join me in praying for Michael’s continued growth in the Lord.