By Tom Cook, Sioux County Ministry Area Director
In our 2021-22 ministry year through 1 Hawarden ministry site we connected with 137 students and entered into 27 Christ Sharing relationships with 7 saying yes to Jesus.
Before looking to 2023 and how we might impact more students in their pivotal moments here, we want to look back at 2022 and give thanks to the Lord for all He has done.
This past year, collaborations with community partners have impacted our City Life programs, helping to maintain our holistic approach to ministry. For example, we had hundreds of pounds of meat donated towards our Family Meal Time and 40 chairs and an air hockey table donated to the Teen Center!
At the Teen Center, we hit milestones with our highest attendance ever, recording 70 students on the last Thursday in August! That is 16% of the West Sioux Middle and High School student population. Just a few months prior, we had 23 middle and high school students attend YFC Camp, where several students made first time commitments to Jesus.
We have also seen an increase in our one-on-one appointments with students. During these appointments, volunteers spend intentional time with a student outside the Center to develop deeper relationships. One leader is meeting with a student mentoring them through struggles with anxiety. Although not always easy, this discipleship is often where life change takes place in a student.
We’ve also realized this past year how vital our programs are to this community. Students need to have a safe place with trusting adults to hear that they are loved by the one who created them, Jesus. In order for us to maintain these vital relationships we need new financial support to be sustainable and continue our Family Meal Time and Economis Programming.
To continue the momentum and growth we have into 2023 we require 15 more volunteers to pour into young people at the Center. We also have a desire for small groups to become a reality, so students can go deeper into God’s Word. Volunteer leaders would make this dream happen. Thank you for being a part of that growth from 2022 and joining us in 2023.
Needs for next 1-2 years
• Adding $10,000-$15,000 in sustainable annual support
• Additional night of programming, family meal time & small groups
• 20 (2-3 Spanish bilingual) additional volunteers